The Backgrounl d of Renaissance

The Backgrounl d of Renaissance
Exciting cultural changes began in Italy Iv about mid-14th century when sculptors, painters, and writers began to identify with the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome. These Italians believed that 1000 years of darkness and ignorance separate+ d them from the Roman era and their times. They believed that there had a" d re-birth" of classical arts and learning, a "Renaissance", a term derived from the Italian word "renascere meanina to be re-born g Modern historians in general do not consider that there was "re-birth of the arts, but that rather Europe underwent a chaotic change, a period of profound transition as medieval institutions crumbled and a new society and culture began to appear. The Renaissance could be viewed as a time of transition from medieval to modern view of man and the worldThe Renaissance began around the middle of the 14th century in Italy and lasted until the end of the 16th century. Dates assigned to artistic and to costume periods are of necessity arbitrary. For not only do costume and artistic periods fail to fit into neat, clearly-defined time periods, they also begin and end at different times ln different parts of the world While the rest of Europe was following a line of political, economic, and artistic development that was an extension of trends begun during the Middle Ages,a new perception of life had begun to emerge in Italy in the 15th century and from there spread to the rest of Europe